2460 Oka Street Suite #100, Kilauea, HI   -  Tel. 808-828-1844 

s.c. instruction

Subcutaneous injection instruction

Mike Latif's picture
image to go with instruction for subcutaneous injection

Subcutaneous Injection Instructions

What to Have Ready:

  • Vial (small bottle) of medication
  • Sterile disposable syringe and needle
  • Sample syringe marked with the prescribed dose
  • Alcohol swab, cotton ball or tissue
  • Self-injection record
  • Hard plastic resealable container (Sharp’s) to dispose of used needle and syringe

Preparing for your Injection:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Gather all the items you need and take them to a table. • Sit down in a chair next to the table.
  • Check the medication name and expiry date on the vial. • Check the amount of medication to be taken.

Filling the Syringe Read more... about Subcutaneous injection instruction

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Insurance Information

North Shore Pharmacy has contracts with numerous insurance plans that cover compounded medications.  Patients who do have a plan that we are contracted with will only be responsible for their copays. Drop off your prescription with us and we will research your insurance coverage for you.  Please do not hesitate to call us at (808)-828-1844 and we will assist you with insurance coverage and/or pricing for your specific compounded medications.