North Shore Pharmacy is putting some new and exciting programs together to better serve you, making it easier and faster for you to get your refill request to our staff.
You can now use the RefillRX Mobile App or use RefillRX website.
Just follow the directions that are posted below on how to download or just scan the QR-code to be directed to the RefillRX Website or the appropriate app store.
Directions for RefillRX
Mobile Device
Step 1. Download the RefillRx Mobile App on your device
Step 2. Type in script number or scan the barcode on the bottle
Step 3. Type in Birthdate
Step 4. Type in Pharmacy phone Number 808-828-1844
Step 5. Select North Shore Pharmacy
Step 5. Select Pickup
Step 6. Hit Send Request
Step 7. All done, prescription request will be put into the queue and a text message will notify you when it’s completed.
The RefillRX Website
Go to
Step1. Create an account by hitting register
Step 2. Type in Pharmacy Zip code “96754”
Step 3. Type in last 4 digits of pharmacy phone number “1844”
Step 4. Hit “Select Pharmacy”
Step 5. Type in a prescription Number & Hit “Search Patient Information”
Step 6. Hit “Final Step”
Step 7. Skip Option 1 & Go to option #2 Supply Patient Information and fill out the fields with *
Step 8. Create a username & Password & type in email address and hit “complete registration”
Step 9. Log back in, you can do a quick refill or hit the My Prescriptions button and all your prescriptions will show up. You may request refills or even send a message to our pharmacist. Hit the “Submit Refill Request” and you are all set.